3D Universe: Galaxies in 3D across the Universe: synergy between IFS and multi-band panoramic surveys

Galaxies are a complex mix of stars, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter, distributed in the bulge, disk, and halo. The present day structure and dynamics of these galaxy sub-components are intimately linked to their assembly and evolution over the age of the Universe. This project aims to establish observational constraints to models of galaxy formation and evolution, by resolving in time and space the properties of the stellar populations of galaxies in the local Universe. This project is an extension of our AyA2014 in terms of specific science objectives, techniques, and data, now including CALIFA+ and MaNGA samples. Furthermore, this project proposes to tend a bridge between Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) and multi-band cosmological surveys building new tools for the analysis of 2D photo-spectra from JPAS and JPLUS. These new developments guarantee the future explotation of these panoramic surveys for galaxy evolution studies, providing a 3D view of the Universe up to redshift ~1. We use the fossil record that the stellar populations imprint on their galaxy spectra (and photo-spectra) to retrieve when and where the mass and metals were assembled as a function of look-back time and of redshift. The scientific objectives are geared to understand: 1) the growth of spheroids and disks; 2) the cosmic evolution of the star formation in galaxies; 3) the quenching of the star formation in galaxies.

The project uses IFS data from the CALIFA+ survey, designed to make a rational and efficient use of the singular and unique facility of the 3.5m telescope at the Calar Alto observatory. Further, we use JPLUS/JPAS muti-band data from the telescopes in the ICTS Javalambre observatory. The IFS data are complemented with 3D data cubes from the MaNGA first public release. This will allow to extend our CALIFA+ sample covering a large homogeous set of galaxies of all the morphological types and range of galaxy mass. Furthermore, it will expand the galaxy sample in common between IFS and JPAS/PLUS during the first years of observations of these surveys. These IFS re-calibrated data will be essential to build a set of galaxy templates that will be used to “measure” emission line fluxes in the JPAS photo-spectra, and extract the spatially resolved stellar population properties, to empower this survey as a 3D galaxy evolution cosmological machine. These data sets provide the legacy of an important database that together with our analysis allow us to get 2D spatial and temporal maps of the star formation history and metallicity enrichment of galaxies along the Hubble sequence, and global galaxy properties.

Our group forms a consolidated team leading most of the stellar population studies in CALIFA. We have already developed many of the computational tools for the IFS (CALIFA+ and MaNGA) analysis, thanks to a long and tight collaboration between Brasil and Granada, with interchange of PhD young researchers, and months of working visits of the senior scientists between the two countries. We also belong to the JPAS/JPLUS collaboration from the beginning. Our experience with IFS studies place us in a very good position to develop useful tools for the explotation of JPAS/JPLUS as an IFS-like machine. The interaction with other Spanish and Brazillian groups within the JPAS galaxy evolution working team will ensure the success of this project and future explotation of the survey.


  1. J-PAS: Measuring emission lines with artificial neural networks

    Martínez-Solaeche, G.; González Delgado, R. M. ; García-Benito, R. ; de Amorim, A. ; Pérez, E. ; Rodríguez-Martín, J. E. ; Díaz-García, L. A.; Cid Fernandes, R. ; López-Sanjuan, C. ; Bonoli, S. ; Cenarro, A. J. ; Dupke, R. A. ; Marín-Franch, A. ; Varela, J. ; Vázquez Ramió, H. ; Abramo, L. R. ; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D. ; Moles, M. ; Alcaniz, J. ; Baqui, P. O. Benitez, N. ; Carneiro, S. ; Cortesi, A. ; Ederoclite, A. ; Marra, V. search by orcid ; Mendes de Oliveira, C. ; Sodré, L. ; Vílchez, J. M. ; Taylor, K.
    March 2020
  2. The miniJPAS survey: Photometric redshift catalogue

    Hernán-Caballero, A.; Varela, J. ; López-Sanjuan, C. ; Muniesa, D. ; Civera, T. ; Chaves-Montero, J. ; Díaz-García, L. A. search by orcid ; Laur, J. ; Hernández-Monteagudo, C. ; Abramo, R. ; Angulo, R. ; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D. ; González Delgado, R. M. ; Greisel, N. ; Orsi, A. ; Queiroz, C. ; Sobral, D. ; Tamm, A. ; Tempel, E. ; Vázquez-Ramió, H. Alcaniz, J. ; Benítez, N. ; Bonoli, S. ; Carneiro, S. ; Cenarro, J. ; Dupke, R. ; Ederoclite, A. ; Marín-Franch, A. ; Mendes de Oliveira, C. ; Moles, M. ; Sodré, L. ; Taylor, K. ; Cypriano, E. S. ; Martínez-Solaeche, G.
    October 2021
  3. The miniJPAS survey: A preview of the Universe in 56 colors

    Bonoli, S. ; Marín-Franch, A. ; Varela, J. ; Vázquez Ramió, H. ; Abramo, L. R. ; Cenarro, A. J. ; Dupke, R. A. ; Vílchez, J. M. ; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D. ; González Delgado, R. M. ; Hernández-Monteagudo, C. ; López-Sanjuan, C. ; Muniesa, D. J. ; Civera, T. ; Ederoclite, A. ; Hernán-Caballero, A. ; Marra, V. ; Baqui, P. O. ; Cortesi, A. ; Cypriano, E. S. Daflon, S. ; de Amorim, A. L. ; Díaz-García, L. A. ; Diego, J. M. ; Martínez-Solaeche, G. ; Pérez, E. ; Placco, V. M. ; Prada, F. ; Queiroz, C. ; Alcaniz, J. ; Alvarez-Candal, A. ; Cepa, J. ; Maroto, A. L. ; Roig, F. ; Siffert, B. B. ; Taylor, K. ; Benitez, N. ; Moles, M. ; Sodré, L. ; Carneiro, S. ; Mendes de Oliveira, C. ; Abdalla, E. ; Angulo, R. E. search by orcid ; Aparicio Resco, M. ; Balaguera-Antolínez, A. ; Ballesteros, F. J. ; Brito-Silva, D. ; Broadhurst, T. ; Carrasco, E. R. ; Castro, T.; Cid Fernandes, R. ; Coelho, P. search by orcid ; de Melo, R. B. ; Doubrawa, L. ; Fernandez-Soto, A. ; Ferrari, F. ; Finoguenov, A. ; García-Benito, R. ; Iglesias-Páramo, J. ; and 112 co-authors
    November 2021
  4. The miniJPAS survey. Identification and characterization of galaxy populations with the J-PAS photometric system

    González Delgado, R. M. ; Díaz-García, L. A. search by orcid ; de Amorim, A. ; Bruzual, G. ; Cid Fernandes, R. ; Pérez, E. ; Bonoli, S. ; Cenarro, A. J. ; Coelho, P. R. T.; Cortesi, A. ; García-Benito, R. ; López Fernández, R. ; Martínez-Solaeche, G. ; Rodríguez-Martín, J. E. ; Magris, G. ; Mejía-Narvaez, A. ; Brito-Silva, D. ; Abramo, L. R. ; Diego, J. M. ; Dupke, R. A. Hernán-Caballero, A. ; Hernández-Monteagudo, C. ; López-Sanjuan, C. ; Marín-Franch, A. ; Marra, V.; Moles, M. ; Montero-Dorta, A. ; Queiroz, C. ; Sodré, L. ; Varela, J. ; Vázquez Ramió, H. ; Vílchez, J. M. ; Baqui, P. O. ; Benítez, N. ; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D. ; Ederoclite, A. ; Mendes de Oliveira, C. ; Civera, T. ; Muniesa, D. ; Taylor, K. ; Tempel, E.
    May 2021
  5. The miniJPAS survey: star-galaxy classification using machine learning

    Baqui, P. O. ; Marra, V.; Casarini, L. ; Angulo, R. ; Díaz-García, L. A. search by orcid ; Hernández-Monteagudo, C. ; Lopes, P. A. A. ; López-Sanjuan, C. ; Muniesa, D. ; Placco, V. M. ; Quartin, M. ; Queiroz, C. ; Sobral, D. ; Solano, E. ; Tempel, E. search by orcid ; Varela, J. ; Vílchez, J. M. ; Abramo, R. ; Alcaniz, J. ; Benitez, N. Bonoli, S. ; Carneiro, S. ; Cenarro, A. J. ; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D. ; de Amorim, A. L. ; de Oliveira, C. M. ; Dupke, R. ; Ederoclite, A. ; González Delgado, R. M. ; Marín-Franch, A. ; Moles, M. ; Vázquez Ramió, H. ; Sodré, L. ; Taylor, K.
    January 2021
  6. The Three Hundred project: dissecting the Fundamental Plane of galaxy clusters up to z = 1

    Díaz-García, Luis A.; Umetsu, Keiichi; Rasia, Elena ; Cui, Weiguang; Meneghetti, Massimo
    March 2022

News and Activities

Participation at the XVI SEA Meeting

Durante the XVI Reunion Científica de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía (SEA) celebrada en Granada (Spain) desde el 15 hasta el 19 de Julio de 2024, Luis presentó una contribución oral de los trabajos del grupo dentro de la colaboración de J-PA

Luis presents at the 1st Reunion nacional AstroHEP-PPCC24

On behalf of the Stellar Populations Group at the IAA-CSIC, Luis introduced in an oral contribution the work performed within the J-PAS collaboration by the members of this group as part of the collaboration between Andalucía and Aragón for this

Luis gives a seminar at the IAA-CSIC

Luis gave a seminar at the IAA-CSIC held at Granada (Spain) on January 25th, 2024.

Synergies between J-PAS/J-PLUS and SKA

Rosa (in-person) and Rubén (online) give a talk on the "Synergies between J-PAS/J-PLUS and SKA pathfinders in preparation for SKA" meeting hosted at CEFCA, Teruel, 28-30 November, 2023.

Luis gives a talk in the "XIX J-PAS meeting"

Luis gives a remote talk in the "XIX J-PAS meeting" held at Natal/RN (Brazil) on October 10th, 2023.

Title: The miniJPAS survey. Evolution of the luminosity and stellar mass functions of galaxies at z<0.7

Luis gives a talk in the meeting "A life devoted to stellar populations 2023"

Luis gives a talk in the meeting "A life devoted to stellar populations 2023" held at Puerto de la Cruz on October 5th, 2023.

Title: Stellar population studies in the J-PAS survey

Rosa gives a seminar at the IAA about galaxy evolution studies in J-PAS

Rosa gives a seminar at the IAA on our work with J-PAS on galaxy evolution

Date: Thursday March 2nd, 2023

Title: J-PAs: a surey to trace the role of star formation and environment in Galaxy Evolution


Rosa at the XVIII J-PAS Meeting

Rosa gives two talks at the XVIII J-PAS meeting hold at the CEFCA headquarters in Teruel from 12th to 15th of December, 2022.

Title 1: J-NEP: identification and characterization of galaxy populations and the groups environment

Rubén gives a plenary talk at the Audible Universe 2 (Lorentz Center)

Rubén gives a plenary talk at "The Audible Universe 2" hold at the Lorentz Cente, 12-16 December 2022.

Title: The role of culture and aesthetics in the sonification of astronomical data

Julio y Rosa @ XVIII J-PAS meeting

+ Date: 12th to 15th of December, 2022
+ Location: CEFCA (Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón)
