Julio y Rosa @ XVIII J-PAS meeting

Julio y Rosa @ XVIII J-PAS meeting

+ Date: 12th to 15th of December, 2022
+ Location: CEFCA (Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón)

+ Wesiteb: https://j-pas.org/collaboration/eighteenth_j-pas_meeting

Rosa and Julio atten the XVIII J-PAS meeting. In this meeting, the newest works of the collaborators were presented, as well as a number of presentations regarding the current status of the project, as well as possible synergies with other surveys. Julio gave a talk about the Python tool that we are developing in our group to automatize the analysis of the IFU-like data from J-PAS and J-PLUS.

News and Activities

Talk by Rubén at the Large-Volume Spectroscopic Conference

Rubén gives a talk titled PyJIN 金: direct method abundances for large surveys at the Large-Volume Spectroscopic Analyses of AGN and Star Forming Galaxies in the Era of JWST held online from April 29 to March 1, 2

Gender equality course for the CSIC

Luis, Ana and Rubén attends a gender equality course by the MCIN for the CSIC employees on March 28 and 30 and April 1, 4, and 6.

IX IAA PhD conference

Julio gave a talk at the IX Jornadas de doctorado IAA (February 18, 2022) summarizing the results of his PhD so far.

Ana at "Chatea con una Astrónoma"

Ana participated in the V edition of “Chatea con una Astrónoma”, an online activity organized by SEA for the 11 February, 2022, the international day of women and girls in science.

Documentary on Galaxy evolution presented by Rosa

We observe galaxies, we study their diversity of shapes, colors and processes; and we ask ourselves: how are they born and evolve?

Arianna Cortesi visit

Arianna Cortesi from the Observatório do Valongo visits our research group at the IAA for 4 months.


2nd IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa School on Statistics, Data Mining

2nd IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa School on Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning hold at “Parque de las Ciencias (Granada)" on November 29th-December 3rd, 2021.

Talks at the miniJPAS meeting (Nov 2021)

J-PAS Virtual Meeting, Nov 29, Dec 1, 2021

Four talks by the members of our groupr were given at the J-PAS Virtual Meeting:

Julio attends the XXXII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics

Julio atttends the XXXII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics on Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Clusters Across Cosmic Time held in La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain) from  23 November to 1 December 2021.

Rubén talks at the II Workshop on Astronomy Beyond the Common Senses for Accessibility and Inclusion
