Luis attends the 20th J-PAS meeting

Luis attends the 20th J-PAS meeting

From November 18 to 20, 2024, the 20th meeting of the J-PAS collaboration took place in Teruel, Spain. During this event, Luis presented a summary of the progress made in determining the stellar populations of galaxies within this survey, alongside other colleagues who also showcased advances and motivations in their respective areas, all with a view toward the first data release (EDR, Early Data Release).

Title: The J-PAS Survey: Evolution and Analysis of the Stellar Content of Galaxies Since Intermediate Redshift

Abstract: Following the release of J-PAS’s first internal data release (IDR), Luis presented the work conducted and the results obtained for this survey for the first time. In particular, he introduced his motivations and short-term projects within the galaxy evolution and formation group as part of the J-PAS project. After detailing the techniques developed for determining the properties of galaxy stellar populations, the presentation covered the initial results and the accuracy achieved for various properties. Additionally, he discussed the current status of galaxy spectral classification and provided a direct comparison with results from MaNGA, which proved to be highly promising.


Desde el 18 hasta el 20 de noviembre de 2024 se realizó el XX encuentro de la colaboración de J-PAS (Teruel, España). Durante esta reunión, Luis presentó un resumen de los avances para la determinación de las poblaciones estelares de galaxias en este cartografiado junto con otros compañeros que también presentaron los avances y motivaciones en sus áreas temáticas, todo ello con vista a la primera liberación de estos datos (EDR, early-data release).

Title: The J-PAS survey: Evolution and analysis of the stellar content of galaxies since intermediate redshift.

Resumen: Tras la liberación del primer data release interno de los datos de J-PAS (IDR), Luis presentó el trabajo realizado y los resultados obtenidos por primera vez para este cartografiado. En particular, Luis introdujo sus motivaciones y proyectos dentro del grupo de evolución y formación de galaxias que se realizarán a corto plazo dentro del proyecto de J-PAS. Tras una descripción de las técnicas desarrolladas para la determinación de las propiedades de las poblaciones estelares de galaxias, se procedió a describir los primeros resultados y la precisión obtenida de las diferentes propiedades. Además, describió el estatus actual de la clasificación espectral de galaxias, así como una comparación directa con los resultados de MaNGA, los cuales fueron altamente prometedores.

News and Activities

Ana attends the Advanced School on Star Formation

Ana attends the IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Star Formation wheld in Granada, from November 15th to November 19th, 2021.

Rubén gives a master seminar @ UAM

Ginés gives a seminar at the IAA

Ginés gives a talk  titled "Identification and characterisation of emission line galaxies with J-PAS" at the IAA seminars (4 November, 2021)

Julio gives a seminar at the IAA

Julio gave a seminar at the IAA (October 14th, 2021) about the galaxy populations in the largest cluster detected in miniJPAS, mJPC2470-1771.

Ana collaborates in the 2021 Researcher's Night

Ana helps organizing Researcher's Night 2021 celebrated in Granada on the 24th of September.


Ginés gives a talk at the WEAVE-QSO meeting

Ginés gives a talk title "QSO Identification with Artificial Neural Networks in miniJPAS" at the WEAVE-QSO Virtual Meeting (8 September, 2021)

Outreach article at the IAA journal

In this outreach mini-report, Luis tells us how got his position at the IAA, as well as the incentives and future research projects within the IAA, all this under the Severo Ochoa support.

Luis @ 300th virtual Collaboration meeting

Title: Dissecting the Fundamental Plane of Galaxy Clusters up to z=1

Ginés at the EAS 2021 meeting

Ginés presents a poster at the EAS 2021 meeting titled "The miniJPAS survey: emission lines properties and SFR in the AEGIS field with artificial neural networks for galaxies with z < 0.35"

28 June - 2 July 2021

Luis attends an IFU spectroscopy course

Virtual course organized by the Severo Ochoa Project (IAA-CSIC) on June 14th, 2021. Luis attended an introductory course about IFU spectroscopy.
