Luis gives a talk in the meeting "A life devoted to stellar populations 2023"

Luis gives a talk in the meeting "A life devoted to stellar populations 2023"

Luis gives a talk in the meeting "A life devoted to stellar populations 2023" held at Puerto de la Cruz on October 5th, 2023.

Title: Stellar population studies in the J-PAS survey

During the tribute meeting to Alexander Vazdekis, Luis presented part of the stellar population studies performed in our stellar population group at the IAA. In particular, he focused on presenting those works involving JPAS-like data since 2021. More precisely, the studies about the distribution of the stellar population properties of galaxies across the stellar mass vs colour diagram, the cosmic evolution of the star formation rate density, the Machine Learning methodologies developed by Ginés, the role on environment in quenching the star formation, and the distribution of the stellar population properties of galaxies in the most massive galaxy cluster in miniJPAS (mJPC2470-1771). In addition, he also introduced the luminosity and stellar mass functions up to z~0.7, which were obtained only using data from the miniJPAS galaxy sample (0.9 deg^2), as well as the stellar mass and luminosity densities derived from these functions. Finally, Luis showed the preliminar results that we are obtaining with Py2DJPAS in order to construct the radial profiles of stellar population properties in spatially resolved galaxies.


News and Activities

Introduction to applied statistics with R

Julio attended to the course Introduction to applied statistics with R, held online by the CSIC.

It was aimed to provide a basic knowledge on R, a very powerful programing language with many tools for statistics already implemented.

Multi-object Spectroscopy for Statistical Measures of Galaxy Evolution

Rosa gives a talk at the Multi-object Spectroscopy for Statistical Measures of Galaxy Evolution held virtually 17-20 May 2021.

Talk: The miniJPAS survey: Paving the way for the characterization of galaxy populations with J-PAS

SO-IAA meeting March 2021

Jornadas SO-IAA online Conference March 25–26th, 2021, Granada (Spain). In this meeting, all the Severo Ochoa postdoc fellows briefly introduce the topic in which they are working on.

Luis talks about the luminosity completeness in the miniJPAS survey

Title: Stellar mass and luminosity completeness in the miniJPAS survey

Julio gives a talk at the SO-IAA meeting

Julio gave a talk at the IAA, as part of the Severo Ochoa project meeting celebrated 25-26 February 2021, summarizing the results of his PhD so far and the objectives of his work.       

Luis talks about the first results on the miniJPAS luminosity and stellar mass functions

Title: Evolution of the stellar mass and luminosity functions of galaxies: current status

IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa School on Machine Learning, Big Data, and Deep Learning in Astronomy (SOMACHINE 2020)

Ginés and Julio attended the IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa School on Machine Learning, Big Data, and Deep Learning in Astronomy (SOMACHINE 2020), held online at the IAA from 23rd to 27th of November 2020.

JPAS seminaries: Nov 2020

Summary of the JPAS Galaxy Evolution working group

Rubén gives a short talk in the BlueMUSE Science Workshop

Rubén gives a short talk in the BlueMUSE Virtual Science Workshop Nov 9-10th 2020:

Luis @ 3rd J-PLUS virtual meeting

Title: Analysis of the integrated stellar population properties of galaxies in the J-PLUS survey
