Severo Ochoa-IAA Conference

Severo Ochoa-IAA Conference

Luis and Julio give a talk in the Severo Ochoa-IAA Conference held at the IAA on July 8th, 2022.

Luis contribution:

Title: Stellar population studies in multi-filter surveys: the miniJPAS survey case

Abstract: Presentation of the activities carried out by Luis during the period in which he was part of the Severo Ochoa program. In particular he focused on the presentation of: SED-fitting techniques and codes as well as their suitability for the analysis of galaxies from miniJPAS multifilter photometric data (including the probability distributions of the photometric redshift), the characterization and spectral classification of miniJPAS galaxies, the study of the cosmic evolution of the star formation history of galaxies, determination of completeness for different galaxy samples and selection criteria, and the development of techniques for the determination of stellar mass and luminosity functions for J-PAS type data.

Resumen: Presentación de las actividades realizadas por Luis durante el periodo en el que formó parte del programa Severo Ochoa. En particular se centró en la presentación de: técnicas y códigos de SED-fitting así como su adecuación para el análisis de galaxias de los datos fotométricos multifiltro  de miniJPAS (incluyendo las distribuciones de probabilidad de los redshift fotométricos), la caracterización y clasificación espectral de las galaxias de miniJPAS, el estudio de la evolución cósmica de la historia de formación estelar de las galaxias, determinación de la completitud para diferentes muestras de galaxias y criterios de selección, y el desarrollo de técnicas para la determinación de las funciones de masa estelar y luminosidad para datos tipo J-PAS.
Julio also gave a short presentation about his work in the role of the environment in galaxy evolution at the Severo Ochoa-IAA Conference.

News and Activities

Rubén gives a master seminar @ UAM

Ginés gives a seminar at the IAA

Ginés gives a talk  titled "Identification and characterisation of emission line galaxies with J-PAS" at the IAA seminars (4 November, 2021)

Julio gives a seminar at the IAA

Julio gave a seminar at the IAA (October 14th, 2021) about the galaxy populations in the largest cluster detected in miniJPAS, mJPC2470-1771.

Ana collaborates in the 2021 Researcher's Night

Ana helps organizing Researcher's Night 2021 celebrated in Granada on the 24th of September.


Ginés gives a talk at the WEAVE-QSO meeting

Ginés gives a talk title "QSO Identification with Artificial Neural Networks in miniJPAS" at the WEAVE-QSO Virtual Meeting (8 September, 2021)

Outreach article at the IAA journal

In this outreach mini-report, Luis tells us how got his position at the IAA, as well as the incentives and future research projects within the IAA, all this under the Severo Ochoa support.

Luis @ 300th virtual Collaboration meeting

Title: Dissecting the Fundamental Plane of Galaxy Clusters up to z=1

Ginés at the EAS 2021 meeting

Ginés presents a poster at the EAS 2021 meeting titled "The miniJPAS survey: emission lines properties and SFR in the AEGIS field with artificial neural networks for galaxies with z < 0.35"

28 June - 2 July 2021

Luis attends an IFU spectroscopy course

Virtual course organized by the Severo Ochoa Project (IAA-CSIC) on June 14th, 2021. Luis attended an introductory course about IFU spectroscopy.

Introduction to applied statistics with R

Julio attended to the course Introduction to applied statistics with R, held online by the CSIC.

It was aimed to provide a basic knowledge on R, a very powerful programing language with many tools for statistics already implemented.
