SO-IAA meeting March 2021
SO-IAA meeting March 2021
Jornadas SO-IAA online Conference March 25–26th, 2021, Granada (Spain). In this meeting, all the Severo Ochoa postdoc fellows briefly introduce the topic in which they are working on.
Luis gave a talk about the work that is performing at the IAA titled: Galaxy evolution and stellar population studies in the J-PAS survey. In particular, he talked about SED-fitting of miniJPAS galaxies using his code MUFFIT and he detailed the techniques that he is performing at the IAA to determine the parametric functions of stellar mass and luminosity.
Rubén gave a talk titled: Spatially resolved stellar populations and gas studies in the advent of the next generation of IFU surveys.
Rosa gave an invated review talk titled: Formation and Evolutiion of Galaxies and Structures: the impact of large surveys