Luis @ 300th virtual Collaboration meeting

Luis @ 300th virtual Collaboration meeting

Title: Dissecting the Fundamental Plane of Galaxy Clusters up to z=1

The 300th virtual Collaboration meeting on July 13rd, 2021, Madrid (Spain). During his previous postdoc fellow, Luis investigated the (recently discovered) fundamental plane of galaxy clusters. In this annual meeting, Luis presented his analysis on this topic using simulated data from the 300th cluster simulations obtaining that the characteristic radius and mass of the NFW profiles of clusters along with the ICM gas define a fundamental plane, which is proposed to characterize the internal structure of galaxy clusters from gas observations.

News and Activities

Ana and Julio attend the Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis (MEDA)

Date: 14-18 november 2022

+ Location: ETSIIT (E.T.S. de Ingenierías Informática y de Telecomunicación, UGR)

Julio participates in the European Researches Night

Julio participates in the European Researches Night, telling the pupils from the 4th year of Primary education from the Parque de las Infantas school about how galaxies evolve.

Talk by Julio at the weekly Center for Astrophysics (Harvard & Smithsonian)

Julio gives a virtual talk about his work on the effects of the environment in galaxy evolution using miniJPAS data at the weekly Center for Astrophysics (Harvard & Smithsonian) galaxy cluster discussion group.

Luis gives a talk at SEA XV

Luis gives a talk in the XV Reunion Científica de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía held at La Universidad de La Laguna on September 8th, 2022.

Title: Stellar population studies in the incoming J-PAS survey

Severo Ochoa-IAA Conference

Luis and Julio give a talk in the Severo Ochoa-IAA Conference held at the IAA on July 8th, 2022.

Luis contribution:

2nd annual CAVITY meeting, June 2022

Ana and Rubén presents two talks at the 2nd annual CAVITY meeting held in Granada (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Granada) from 23th to 24th of June, 2022.

Rubén's talk: The CAVITY reduction pipeline

Talks at the European Astronomical Society in Valencia (2022)

Julio, gives a talk at the European Astronomical Society hold in Valencia from June 27th to July 1st, 2022.

IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Galaxy Evolution

Ana, Julio, Ginés & Rubén attend the IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Galaxy Evolution, held at the IAA 23-27 May 2022.

Talk by Rubén at the “Educational Psychology and Astronomy" Conference

Talk by Rubén at the Large-Volume Spectroscopic Conference

Rubén gives a talk titled PyJIN 金: direct method abundances for large surveys at the Large-Volume Spectroscopic Analyses of AGN and Star Forming Galaxies in the Era of JWST held online from April 29 to March 1, 2
